
By Dan Crenshaw
Image of the cover of Fortitude by Dan Crenshaw. Wesley Donehue's book reviews and recommendations.

If you’re reading this book review you are currently online. If you haven’t already, any minute now you will be hit by some whiny comment from a soft-minded person seeking offense in everything. This once mighty country that stood up to the most dangerous evils the world has ever seen, this nation that became the world’s superpower through hard work and brute strength, this nation that never once cowered in the face of adversity is now on the decline because weakness has become a celebrated virtue. Bitching instead of building, offensiveness instead of fortitude, laziness instead of resilience. They try to ruin people for every little mistake, bad joke or comment made decades ago. Everything is taken out of context and blown out of proportion. Hell, you saw what happened to me. Everything is under attack, even manliness itself.

This book tackles the problem and explains how we got this way and what we need to do to fix it. Former Navy SEAL and now Congressman Dan Crenshaw should have titled this book “A Social Media Manual” and Facebook and Twitter should make this required reading before someone is able to activate an account.

There is a lot to say about this short book. I’ll just tell you that I absolutely loved it and leave you with the ending, a code Crenshaw says we all should live by. I agree…

“I not quit in the face of danger or pain or self-doubt; I will not justify the easier path before me. I decide that all my actions, not just some, matter. Every small task is a contribution toward a higher purpose. Every day is undertaken with sense of duty to be better than I was yesterday, even in the smallest of ways. I seek out hardship. I do not run from pain but embrace it, because I derive strength from my suffering. I confront the inevitable trials of life with a smile. I plan to keep my head, to be still, when chaos overwhelms me. I will tell the story of my failures and hardships as a victor, not a victim. I will be grateful. Millions who have gone before me have suffered to much, fought over hard, and been blessed with far too little, for me to squander this life. So I wont. My purpose will be to uphold and protect the spirit of our great republic, knowing that the values we hold dear can be preserved only by a strong people. I will do my part. I will live with Fortitude.”

Now get off the internet and read this book before you get back on.

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