
By Ray Dalio

Principels by Ray Dalio. I constantly go through this book trying to find answers to the questions I have. Ray Dalio is the creator of Bridgewater, which was once the largest hedge fund in the world. He created the investment management company out of his apartment and became one of the wealthiest people in the world.

Principles is a three-part book. The first part is his life story, which is great, but everybody’s got a life story. Part two is about his life principles. The third is about his work principles, which I use the most. These principles in the third part consist of how to build a culture or how to build out policies and procedures.

So much of how Push Digital is run is based on principles that Ray Dalio has come up with. Not only is this book fantastic, but he’s also one of my favorite people to follow online. He puts out articles on LinkedIn that I find incredibly useful. It’s a real blessing that this man takes what’s in his brain and shares it with us.

Everybody should read this book, but specifically, those who are entrepreneurs or aspiring entrepreneurs. People ask me all the time, “What books should I read to improve my business?” This is the very first business book you should read.

I hate using the term life-changing, and I’ll be very careful to use that term with these book reviews, but occasionally a book does come along that completely changes the way you think. I give it 5 stars and recommend it to everyone.

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